Settlement - Ethereum

As with today’s major rollups, Eclipse Mainnet will settle to Ethereum.

Eclipse Mainnet: Key Features and Security Benefits

Validating Bridge Integration:

Eclipse Mainnet includes a validating bridge built directly into its infrastructure. This bridge plays a critical role in establishing the "canonical chain," which is respected by all Eclipse nodes.

Concurrent Ethereum Full Nodes:

To ensure accurate transaction sequencing, Eclipse nodes must run a full Ethereum node alongside the Eclipse node. This integration brings Ethereum’s security benefits to the Eclipse network.

Security Features:

  • The validating bridge authenticates all transactions, preventing invalid states from being submitted to the Eclipse network.

  • Guarantees "eventual liveness," ensuring the network continues to function even if the sequencer fails or attempts censorship.

  • Offers censorship resistance, allowing users to force their transactions through the bridge even if Layer 2 censorship occurs.

Ethereum L2 Classification:

  • Eclipse Mainnet is classified as part of Ethereum Layer 2 networks, similar to validiums and optimums.

Ethereum as the Preferred Currency:

  • Given the importance of Ethereum-native assets in DeFi and NFT markets, Ethereum (ETH) is the chosen decentralized currency for Eclipse Mainnet.

  • ETH will also be used as the gas token for transactions on the network.

Future Fee Flexibility:

  • Fee abstraction is planned, allowing users to pay gas fees with tokens like USDC.

  • There are currently no plans to introduce a proprietary token for Eclipse Mainnet.

Last updated