RPC & Block Explorers

Submit your deployment address to this form. We will provide engineering support and prioritize specific infrastructure needs.

Eclipse Mainnet

Network Name
Eclipse Mainnet


Eclipse Mainnet with real economic value.


Free (good for testing but do not autoscale and are rate-limited):

  • https://mainnetbeta-rpc.eclipse.xyz

    • Rate limit: 3 reqs/s

    • Exceeding the rate limit can lead to a temporary IP ban

  • https://eclipse.helius-rpc.com

    • Rate limit: 25 reqs/s

Private (recommended):

Celestia Namespace

Eclipse Testnet

Network Name
Eclipse Testnet


Realistic to Mainnet but with no real economic value.



Celestia Namespace

Eclipse Devnet2

Network Name
Eclipse Devnet2 (Devnet1 is being deprecated)


Simulates developer experience.


https://staging-rpc.dev2.eclipsenetwork.xyz https://staging-rpc-eu.dev2.eclipsenetwork.xyz

RPC Requirements

  • CPU

    • 12 cores / 24 threads, or more

    • 2.8GHz base clock speed, or faster

  • RAM

    • 256GB or more

  • Disk

    • Ledger: 2TB or larger. SSD suggested

    • Accounts: 500G or larger. SSD suggested

For instructions on how to run mainnetbeta RPC node, follow this document.

Last updated