RPC & Block Explorers

Submit your deployment address to this form. We will provide engineering support and prioritize specific infrastructure needs.

Eclipse Testnet

Network NameEclipse Testnet


Realistic to Mainnet but with no real economic value.



Block Explorers

Celestia Namespace

Eclipse Devnet2

Network NameEclipse Devnet2 (Devnet1 is being deprecated)


Simulates developer experience.


https://staging-rpc.dev2.eclipsenetwork.xyz https://staging-rpc-eu.dev2.eclipsenetwork.xyz

Block Explorers

RPC Requirements

Our RPC specs reflect Solana's RPC node recommendations:

  • CPU: 16 cores / 32 threads, or more

  • RAM: 512 GB or more if account-index is used

  • Disk:

    • Consider a larger ledger disk if longer transaction history is required

    • Accounts and ledger should not be stored on the same disk

Setup an RPC Node

First, make sure that you've properly set up your Solana CLI: solana --version

Eclipse uses the Solana JSON-RPC. You should use Solana version 1.17

Next, set the RPC correctly. In this example, we use Eclipse Devnet2: solana config set --url https://staging-rpc.dev2.eclipsenetwork.xyz

Create a keypair: solana-keygen new -o validator-keypair.json

You can modify the following script to boot your RPC node:

exec solana-validator \
    --identity validator-keypair.json \
    --known-validator FdFZZ9TpRJTfynYd1Apk3MP77wRwuEJ2Y4pDrq8ULJM6 \
    --only-known-rpc \
    --full-rpc-api \
    --no-voting \
    --ledger /mnt/ledger \
    --log /home/eclipse/eclipse-rpc.log \
    --rpc-port 8899 \
    --rpc-bind-address \
    --private-rpc \
    --dynamic-port-range 8201-8300 \
    --entrypoint \
    --expected-genesis-hash CcicZJ8JVnQQvF4WFimQN1aW6pou5qpr5JMFAjFJ88DX \
    --wal-recovery-mode skip_any_corrupted_record \

Note that you should not run a full node behind NAT.

You can also spin up your own dedicated RPC node with one of our RPC provider partners.

Last updated