Eclipse Canonical Bridge
Our enshrined canonical bridge is live for Eclipse Mainnet & Testnet. Withdrawals from the Eclipse Bridge are currently disabled, and there is currently no user interface for the bridge [COMING SOON].
Our canonical bridge deployed directly to Ethereum is the primary way to bring assets to Eclipse Mainnet. You are able to bridge ETH and eventually other assets via our bridge. ETH is the native token for Eclipse Mainnet. We do not have any other native token for Eclipse Mainnet.
This Eclipse Deposit CLI allows end users to deposit Ether from:
Ethereum Mainnet into Eclipse Mainnet
Sepolia Testnet to the Eclipse Testnet
Eclipse Deposit CLI
This CLI tool allows end users to deposit Ether from Ethereum Mainnet or the Sepolia test network into the Eclipse rollup, which utilizes the Solana Virtual Machine (SVM).
1. Yarn
Yarn is required for installation. For Mac users, Yarn can be installed via Homebrew using brew install yarn
. Alternatively, if npm is available, use npm install -g yarn
2. Ethereum Wallet
An Ethereum wallet such as Backpack or Metamask is needed.
For Metamask:
Choose the account you wish to use and copy its address.
Visit the Sepolia faucet to airdrop tokens to yourself, if using Sepolia.
Navigate to 'account details' in MetaMask and select 'reveal private key'. Store this key in a secure file.
3. Solana CLI
The Solana CLI tools are necessary for generating a deposit address on the rollup.
To generate a wallet for deposits:
Install the Solana CLI tools.
To generate a wallet:
solana-keygen new --no-outfile
orsolana-keygen new --outfile my-wallet.json
Copy the public key from the output, which should resemble
Installation (via npm)
Installation (via GitHub)
Clone this repository:
Install the necessary dependencies:
Create a Deposit
Run the CLI tool with the necessary options:
For example:
Mainnet Deposit:
Sepolia Testnet Deposit:
-k, --key-file
option specifies the path to the Ethereum private key file.The
-d, --destination
option specifies the Solana destination address on the rollup (base58 encoded).The
-a, --amount
option specifies the amount of Ether to deposit.Use
to select the network. The tool will use different contract addresses depending on the network.The
-r, --rpc-url
option is optional and allows overriding the default JSON RPC URL.
Deposits will finalize and be processed in about 2-3 minutes.
Security Note
Keep your Ethereum private key secure. Do not share it publicly or expose it in untrusted environments.
Last updated